February 5, 2014

Eight...My favorite Number

Last week I decided to do myself a favor and quit drinking...again.  This time for real.  I have a problem with alcohol.  I like it too much.  I've tried drinking in moderation but that didn't work for me.  I've tried quitting before but just thought what the hell, I'll be more careful and jumped right back into it.  I drank just about every evening.  I could take a "night off" here and there but was right back at it the next day.

Wine?  Chardonnay was my default wine of choice.  Pinot Noir my go to red.  Hot, humid summer days?  A crisp, chilled Pinot Grigio would call my name.  

Beer?  I was a domestic light girl.  Usually Michelob, Coors or Labatts.  Anything cold.

Liquor?  Vodka... and anything.  Lemonade, seltzer, cranberry juice (the real kind of course, we don't want to be "unhealthy" do we?)  In college we mixed vodka and grape kool-aid. Talk about black-outs!

So far I don't miss it.  So far I haven't really been challenged.  It hasn't been a problem abstaining at home but then again we haven't had our drinking friends over.  I traveled last weekend and will again this weekend.  The next time we might get together with said drinking friends I'll have been into this groove for over three weeks and will have a stronger resolve. I'm hoping.

Leaving work every night and coming home is the most difficult.  Drinking became a habit.  What will be tonight’s drink of choice?  Do I need to stop and pick up a 30 pack of beer?  A couple bottles of wine?   Tonight when I pulled in the driveway I felt that old familiar tug.  No, not going there!  I grabbed a seltzer and lime and poured it over ice in a 16 oz. glass.  I had a few sips and felt the tug loosen up and fall away.   

So I went to my sewing room and stitched up a cute Valentine's Day inspired zippered bag!

Here it is zippered closed.

And Open

A relatively stress-free way to spend an hour or so.  :-)

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