February 16, 2014

My First Drunk Dream

Last night I had my first "drunk dream".  In the dream I had gone to some sort of party and drank a lot and blacked out. In the dream I was then awake and was questioned by people (unknown by me) where I had disappeared to and what on earth had I done.  I woke up then, for real, and was very scared.  Good grief!  What had I done!  Oh, it was a dream.  Thank goodness!  No you didn't drink!  No your mouth doesn't feel or taste like the inside of a dumpster (just speculating a bit there) and you are still sober.  Good for you!  Now get out of bed, get your coffee and muffin and start day 19! 



  1. Congratulations on your sober journey! You will find a lot of support here.
